Sunday, November 21, 2010


Lately Ive been thinking about what we've been doing, what our project is. Immortalizing ourselves us each doing it our own separate way is nothing new, but I feel like us consciously doing so may be. Is there a different mindset that we have now that we are blogging, facebooking, plurking, etc with a different motive? I've also been thinking about the idea of immortalization through these mediums, more specifically, our reasons behind this need. Are we afraid of being forgotten, do we hope that perhaps something we communicate to the world might be profound or touch someones life? At least for me my motives are much more selfish. Although I commonly plurk and facebook things that i feel others will enjoy or "get" something from I mainly use these networks for my own enlightenment t. I especially use plurk to learn new new ideals and philosophies. Speaking of different realities I notice that i often post "mainstream" and/or superficial concepts,phrases, thoughts on facebook and keep my more of my opinions,philosophies, and abstract thoughts to plurk.With my communities of friends on both I feel like I am interacting with separate audiences, separate groups of people and I post accordingly.I often look at my old posts in both networks dating months, even years ago and see how much I've changed and grown and I can honestly say that Ive seen maturity, these are timelines of our lives, they travel and grow with us. Although I feel most don't see these social networks as forever making their mark in this world, that's exactly what it is, an idea I hadn't given much thought into. So now what? being completely aware of this can I use,consult these networks the same prior to this realization? Can you? I feel like I want things to remain the same, to keep growing, I hope that these two combined networks can be a small representation of who I am.

But does all this matter? We have been conditioned to read what we see on the internet at face value, but social networks such as facebook and plurk add a level of accountability as there is a name and face associated to whats being posted.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. By making this technology so widely available to all people we have flooded ourselves and we become self engulfed. This is why we, as a selfish society, are able to place such a high value on media and technology.
    If we can acknowledge our direction there is much to be utilized by the most obvious positive aspects of technology in the most general sense. This is also applicable to technology and media in the most specific and personal sense.
